Northern California Golf Getaways

Image of Susan Fornoff and Cori Brett

Cori and Susan, 2001: There’s nothing like the excitement of opening the first copies of your new book.

In 1997 I had a nice gig on the sports desk of the San Francisco Examiner, working for my old friend from the baseball beat, Glenn Schwarz. Then the golf writer left and I said, “What do I have to do to get that job?” Glenn said, “I was hoping you would ask.”

Wow, what a blast and, the perks! One of them, a press trip to Bodega Bay, included three other couples. We started talking about how nice it would be to have a book of trips just like this one on golf outings that included something for the foodies, and options for the nongolfer. And before you know it my friend Cori Kenicer (now Cori Brett) and I were holding a draft, dividing up Northern California, for a book to be published by Avalon Travel Publishing.

Cori and I hardly saw each other for the next six months as we went to work on Northern California Golf Getaways. It was well reviewed and quite useful for a few years and amazingly dated 10 years later, with so many changes on the golf and hospitality fronts in recent times. If you do find a copy, consider it a history book rather than a guidebook.

The reviews

“It’s all here, from freeways to fairways.”
— David Armstrong, San Francisco Chronicle

“At the risk of sounding sexist, it seems a particularly good idea to have two women write this book. Often they add sensibilities that men overlook.”
— George Fuller, Half Moon Bay Review

“The Fornoff-Kenicer team deserves a double eagle for chronicling their endeavors.”
— Robert Kaufman, Fairways and Greens

“Kenicer and Fornoff offer so much more with their casual, almost chatty, tone.”
— Geets Vincent, Santa Rosa Press Democrat

“A valuable resource for the traveling golfer.”
Senior Magazine

“The pair’s attention to details sparkles.”

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